Saturday, 28 January 2012

Marital status: Marriéd
Is located in Aspén, CO
Participant since: 1992
Âge: 30
Competitor since: 2000
Height: 5'5 "
Weight: 125 lbs
Country: United States

Gretchen is the SuperPipe champion and one of the most recognizable faces in sports. She has moré gold than any other woman WX SuperPipe history: four in 2003, 2005, 2008 and 2010. He also won silver in 2007. Â veterinarian WX 9 games, he has found longevity in a sport known for abuse of their bodies - which is a member of Team USA Snowboarding Halfpipe 10 years and participated in the Winter Olympics twice (2006, Silver 2010, 11). Gretchen says she is a new approach for the 2010/2011 season: less riding based on results with an emphasis on progression and versatile. Competitions are only required for the winter season and winter XX Europe.

 Gretchen Bleiler
 Gretchen Bleiler
Gretchen Bleiler


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